I am putting in a few hours in the CQWW WPX CW contest this weekend using the IC-7300. This alone, makes the IC-7300 investment worth the money for me. There are some contests where I just can not effectively RUN, and am often forced into Search & Pounce mode. The display updates rapidly and adds callsigns to the signals as you spot them (or from external spotting networks). Once I set the baud rate, and restarted N1MM+, the Spectral Window appeared.

N1MM+ Display with IC-7300 Spectrum Window You can quickly move from station-to-station using SHIFT-UP and SHIFT-DOWN. The red squares show stations that are stronger than the current noise floor setting. Be sure to read the N1MM+ docs on using the IC-7300 spectral display. But for rates that high, you actually have to manually set the baud rate. When you start reading the IC-7300 manual, it sounds like you can use AUTO for the baud rate setting. N1MM+ documents say you need to setup the IC-7300 to use an interface baud rate of 115,200 to get the spectrum display. From my reading, all I had to do to get a spectral display from the IC-7300 to my PC display, was to connect the USB interface and select the correct baud rate. Just so nobody at N1MM+ is upset, THEY ADDED THIS FEATURE IN APRIL 2017. I have been publicly called-out for this horribly incorrect comment. N1MM+ recently introduced their Spectral Display window.

The features now in that software just boggle my mind. They still call it a contest logger, but N1MM+ is so much more. Since I have been active in contesting, I wanted to see how this radio worked with N1MM+ which is my favorite contest logger. Not sure how I will mount it in my F-150 yet, but I will give it a try. My hope is to use this as a Mobile rig, although it is a bit large. I recently bought an Icom IC-7300 SDR transceiver, and finally got a chance to start looking at it.